The New Pedagogical Model MetroMatematicas is the result of 10 years of research and development of a new pedagogical model for the teaching of mathematics of the 21st century, it has been conceptualized and designed from the advanced technology industry through the MetroMatematicas Program of Centro Metrológico de México (CMM) which started in 2008. The model is based on the constructivist theory of learning, which postulates that learning is achieved when the student participates as a center of the process of discovery and generation of results from collaborative work.
The teaching and learning processes are enhanced with the application placed in teams of students, principles and scientific-mathematical procedures to cases and cause-effect problems (real). The constructivist orientation distinguishes two elements nested in the process: the individual element that is the direct participation of the student in the application and generation of their own knowledge and competences; and the social element that is the collaborative participation of student teams that are accompanied by certified instructors and trained tutors. The prototype of MetroMatematicas is operationalized through a combination of adapted procedures and learning situations based on cause-effect problems (PBL), object-oriented learning (OBL) and case-based learning (CBL).
The proposed approach in the MetroMatemáticas Pedagogical Model seeks to overcome the limitations of Christophoro Clavio’s pedagogical model where students assume roles of greater receptivity and less participation in classroom activities. The current implementation of the MetroMatemáticas model in Rio Rico High School and Nogales High School of the county of Santa Cruz, Arizona, combines the theorical and practical orientations described with an instructionale design through laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology, organized in workstations for groups of up to 40 students (10 seasons); and a sequence of activities that, following the official mathematics and science curriculum, materialize the practical applications of learning located in cases and projects. The results of the 2017 test applied by the state of Arizona AzMerit at the schools of Rio Rico High School and Nogales High School show that the MetroMatemáticas Model significantly decreases the failure rates in mathematics.
Table 1: AzMerit-2017 Results
Analyzing the results of Algebra I, in Rio Rico High School (table 1) it is observed that 50% of the 58 students of the experimental group (entered the MetroMatemáticas Laboratory) approved Algebra I, and of the 299 students of the control group (with the mathematics program from the University of Cambridge) approved Algebra I only 19%. The comparison shows that the MetroMatemáticas Model decreased by 31% plus the failure rate in Algebra I in relation to the program of the University of Cambridge. In comparison with all students at the state level (82,900), MetroMatemáticas decreased by 11% plus the failure rate. Analyzing the results of Geometry, in Rio Rico High School (table 1) it is observed that 47% of the 15 students of the experimental group (who entered the MetroMatemáticas Laboratory) approved Geometry, while the 293 students of the control group (with the program of mathematics from the University of Cambridge) approved Geometry only 14%. The comparison shows that the MetroMatemáticas Model decreased by 33% plus the failure rate in Geometry in relation to the program of the University of Cambridge. In comparison with all students at the state level (71,594), MetroMatemáticas decreased by 13% plus the failure rate.
Analyzing the results of Algebra II, in Nogales High School (table 2) it is observed that 100% of the 19 students of the experimental group (who entered the MetroMatemáticas Laboratory) approved Algebra II, while the 470 students of the control group approved Algebra II only 33%. The comparison shows that the MetroMatematicas Model decreased the failure rate in Algebra II by 67%. In comparison with all students at the state level (65,739), MetroMatemáticas decreased by 70% plus the failure rate.
The national export industry loses 149 thousand 600 million dollars per year due to poor quality (defective product), because engineers, technicians and employees do not come ready to solve cause-effect problems in increasingly automated production processes.
Video with extended report about the AzMerit 2017 evaluation