The 15 theses of Nahúm Correa
Since 2009, Nahum Correa began a mathematical debate in the states of Sonora and Arizona, which led to the reengineering and the birth of a radical method for teaching mathematics in the 21st century educational system. which he named MetroMatemáticas. Currently his curriculum and method has been implemented and evaluated with outstanding results by the educational system of Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Likewise, in the year 2017, he carried out an in-depth investigation of the curriculum and method of teaching mathematics in basic and upper Mexican education, which led him to write the following 15 theses on the 2 main mathematical systems of the world of the 21st century; Christophoro Clavio’s mathematics system taught in the education sector and the mathematics system used by the advanced technology industry.
THESIS I: About the Intelligence.
Intelligence it’s the ability to solve cause-effect problems.
A student who scores 100 on all middle school and high school math tests is not able to solve the cause-effect problems of the 21st century world, because the math problems of the exams were designed for the world of the century 16.
THESIS II: What is a Cause-Effect ProblemProblem: it is a compound Greek word, pro-blema; the Greeks gave it the meaning: the obstacle, the barrier that is “put” there in front, can be a small or big barrier. It is important to note that in the real world everything we call a problem has a cause and an effect, if this condition is not met, it is not a real problem, for example: the light of the bedroom does not turn on, this is the effect, the causes can be several: a) the light went out in the neighborhood , b) the focus was fused, c) the switch was broken, and so on. The problems cause-effect of the society of the 16th century are very different from those of the 21st century, simply because there was no technology now (planes, robots, cars, etc.).
THESIS III: Definition of Mathematics.
The word Mathematics comes from the Latin Mathematica or from the Greek Mathema, which means knowledge.
Only with mathematics can we solve problems from their root cause, since they are the vehicle that will lead us to an in-depth knowledge of the causes and effects of the millions of problems of 21st century society.
Under this continuous virtuous circle of problem solving I can declare: with the knowledge acquired with the application of the science of mathematics can solve millions of cause-effect problems, likewise, gradually develop the “muscle” of intelligence and train The knowledge society of the 21st century, as well as developing the light of reason and the conscience of the human being, is for this reason that the mastery of mathematics is vital for the human being.
THESIS IV: Mathematics of the Ratio Studiorum of 1599The curriculum and method of teaching mathematics in middle schools and high schools in the 21st century are more than 400 years old, since the Jesuit priest and mathematical genius Christopher Clavio invented them and their teaching was authorized by the Roman College in the Ratio Studiorum of 1599.
THESIS VIII: Everything is Modernized but not the Mathematics Curriculum.
The curriculum and method of teaching mathematics developed by Christophoro Clavio have been reproduced (copypaste) and translated for more than 400 years. His books were translated worldwide by doctors of mathematics from prestigious universities, for use in high schools, high schools and high schools from the 16th century to the 21st century. For 400 years everything was modernized, but not the curriculum and method of teaching mathematics.
THESIS IX: About the Teaching of the Elements of Euclid.
Christophorus Clavius used 6 books of the Elements of Euclid in combination with Aristotelian logic in the curriculum of mathematics, as he stated in the preamble of his book: “logic-mathematics serves to purify the Christian spirit.” The result of our investigation showed that even with the educational transformation of 2017 in Mexico, 24% of the total lessons of the mathematics books in secondary schools are devoted to the study of the 6 books of the Elements of Euclid in combination with the Aristotelian logic, as the Jesuit genius Christophorus Clavius designed them in 1599.
THESIS X: On the Teaching of Arts and Crafts of the 16th Century Christophorus Clavius used problems of arithmetic, practical geometry and algebra in the curriculum of mathematics, as he stated in his book, for everyday life, the arts and crafts of the 16th century. The result of our investigation showed that with the educational transformation of 2017 in Mexico, 58% of the total lessons of the mathematics books in secondary schools are devoted to the study of the above-mentioned subjects, as the Jesuit genius Christophoro Clavio designed them in 1599.
THESIS XI: Educational Transformation of 2017 in Mexico.
Even with the educational transformation of 2017 in Mexico, and thanks to the mathematics doctors of the Mexican universities and the educational system (SEP), 82% of the lessons designed by Christophorus Clavius in 1599 are still valid in the curriculum and teaching method of high school mathematics (public and private). In summary, the Mexican educational system is teaching young students conceptualized mathematics designed to purify the Christian spirit and solve everyday problems of the 16th century. The 21st century students are right to ask what mathematics is for, they also declare that they do not understand them and that they are very boring, the same thought the students of the Jesuit schools of 1599. Our students are considered illiterate since the Clavius mathematics do not develop the intelligence for the solution of the problems of mathematics and sciences of the PISA exam of the OECD.
THESIS XII: Decoding of the Mathematics Curriculum in High Schools and Baccalaureates of the 21st Century.
Decoding the curriculum and method of teaching mathematics of the high schools and baccalaureates of the 21st century, the result of our research showed that even with the educational transformation of 2017 in Mexico, 100% of the mathematics lessons of the first and second semester they are as Christophorus Clavius designed them in 1599.
THESIS XIII: Six Powerful Reasons to Replace the Old Model.
Six powerful reasons to replace the mathematics opera of 1599 of the mathematical genius Christophorus Clavius in the middle school, high school and baccalaureates of Mexico:
1.- Everything is modernized buy not the teaching of mathematics. At present there are many programs for the teaching of mathematics in the world, but all are based on the work of the mathematical genius Christophorus Clavius of 1599. In addition, they do not serve to train students to solve the cause-effect problems of the 21st century Mexico.
2.- There is an urgent need for a real link between the curriculum and the method of teaching mathematics in schools and the advanced technology industry. Only the national export industry loses 149 thousand 600 million dollars per year due to poor quality (defective product), because engineers and technicians do not come prepared to solve cause-effect problems in increasingly automated production processes.
3.- The mathematics of the genius Christophorus Clavius was not designed to solve the cause-effect problems of the 21st century, nor to develop the critical thinking of young students. When teaching them, the school leaves them without weapons to successfully face the knowledge society.
4.- The poor quality of the curriculum and current method of teaching mathematics of teachers of middle school and high school education has demotivated and failed to 95% of young Mexican students in this area.
5.- A future with millions of job opportunities in the 21st century knowledge society. As we move into the present century, millions of opportunities for well-paid jobs will continue to open for students who are prepared to solve cause-effect problems using science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
6.- For national security. Mexico, not having smart children and young people to solve cause-effect problems of the 21st century, with a critical thinking that knows how to differentiate the false from the true, and that does not have the opportunity to access well-paid jobs, will sadly be a country full of the poor, with unproductive citizens, very vulnerable and dangerous for the nation.
THESIS XIV: The Association of Scientists and Entrepreneurs.
The industrial revolution was the result of knowledge generated by great visionary scientists, starting with Galileo Galilei, Rene Descartes, Francis Bacon, Isacc Newton and hundreds of Nobel prizes that followed them to this day. We are entering the fourth industrial revolution, the era of the economy of drones, robots, artificial intelligence, etc., and thanks to the association of these scientists with visionary entrepreneurs, the economy and world prosperity was developed, plants were installed of advanced technology manufacturing throughout the world, giving social mobility to millions of people.
The power of knowledge of the universe that gives us science, technology, engineering and mathematics is in the hands of the advanced technology industry (between scientists and entrepreneurs). On the other hand, curricula and teaching methods of mathematics and science in the education system, mainly in elementary and high school education 400 years ago, were leaded by the church that sought to save souls, rather than privileging the knowledge of your students. This is why the mathematics used in the advanced technology industry to solve cause-effect problems are very different from those now taught in the world education sector. The curriculum and teaching method have not been modernized for more than 400 years.
Because of the above, there is a marked difference between the 16th century mathematics that were designed by the church and that are still currently being taught in elementary schools, high schools and baccalaureates of the 21st century, and the mathematics of the 21st century advanced technology industry. , which were designed by hundreds of scientists.
THESIS XV: The Curriculum and Method of Teaching Mathematics must come from the Advanced Technology Industry If we want an education sector that really forms the knowledge society of the 21st century and develops the light of reason and the conscience of the human being, without a doubt, the change in curricula and curriculum of teaching mathematics in the education sector has to come from the advanced technology industry, since she has the knowledge.