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In the Spirit of Metromatematicas

In the Spirit of Metromatematicas

In order to be complete, one must possess the following characteristics: Wisdom, Compassion and Courage.


If Man has only wisdom, he will be unattached.


If Man has only compassion, he will be infirm.


And, if Man has only courage, he will be overextended beyond his abilities.


However, when all three of these qualities are combined, then, and only then, will Man become complete.


Similarly, within the education system it is the teacher, the student and the parents who comprise the three main components, which work together towards the development of a complete individual.


METROMATEMATICAS represents the teaching of an exceptionally practical mathematical philosophy. Rather than settling on being simply speculative, this modern approach focuses on the practical development of a student’s analytical capacity, critical thinking and reasoning skills—all of which are fundamental for the 21st century. If we take the word apart, we see that “METRO” means METROLOGY—which is undoubtedly the mother of all of sciences—and that “MATHEMATICS” comes from the Greek word Máthema—meaning knowledge.


Therefore, METROMATHEMATICIANS are passionate about acquiring knowledge that is useful in these modern times. They are determined to learn how to distinguish between what is true and what is false and seek the correct path through the process of reasoning and analyzing. They possess unprecedented wisdom and skill and understand the power and purpose of fire, earth, the cosmos and everything else around them. Likewise, they are able to use this knowledge for what is right, becoming owner and master of nature.


The METROMATHEMATICIAN can be anyone: a scientist, an engineer, a doctor, a musician, an artist, etc.


Regardless of the chosen profession, this analytical thinker is the most enlightened of the 21st century.


The name METROMATHEMATICS was specifically chosen with the genuine desire to develop complete individuals, who, in turn, would create a prosperous society. By introducing this highly practical mathematical philosophy into the educational system, we unhesitatingly aspire to build a peaceful world and genuinely desire for our students to live fulfilling and significant lives.



Metromatematicas America, LLC

Metromatematicas Description

The Laboratory of Metromatemáticas has been invented by Nahum Correa to implement a new pedagogical model of teaching mathematics. The model is based on constructivist learning theory, which says that learning takes place when the student participates as a center of the discovery process and generates results from collaborative work.

The teaching and learning processes are enhanced by the application in student teams, of principles and procedures of scientific and mathematical cases and real problems. Constructivist orientation distinguishes two nested elements in the process: the individual element is the direct involvement of the student in the application and generating their own knowledge and skills, and the social element is the collaborative participation of student teams that have the accompanied by qualified instructors and trained tutors.

The approach proposed in the Model Metromatematicas, seeks to overcome the limitations of traditional models of teaching where students assume roles of greater receptivity and less participation in classroom activities.

The Metromatematicas model has the goal of helping improve student learning and reduce failure rates in mathematics. Current trends in failure and dropout rates driven in part by poor knowledge of mathematics are a serious barrier to the economic progress of the state and the country.

Through this model, Nahum Correa intends to make in public education a technical resource to increase productivity and competitiveness of the high technology industry and the generation of high paying jobs in each state of the country.

The Basic Laboratory of Metromatematicas proposes an educational model to move towards teaching mathematics in a very practical and scientific way. Position itself quickly in the first place of existing educational models, combining the science of metrology, the scientific method and mathematics all taught in a laboratory to practice solving problems in the real world, it is also an educational model to develop students critical thinking, creativity and teamwork skills.




Courtesy: Arizona Public Media

MetroMatematicas Project in the United States of America

In January 2009, Eng. Nahum Correa So began his great educational movement MetroMatemáticas with which he sought to evolve the old mathematical paradigm of the world educational system (that of Pythagoras and Euclides); Through tournaments he makes known to the leaders of the academy, industry, society and government of Sonora the new mathematical paradigm (which in 1968 brought man to the Moon) through his innovative and radical MetroMatemáticas program.

On July 2 2009, the academy, industry and government of Sonora begin the chain reaction of the MetroMatemáticas program in the Guaymas and Empalme region: 1.- Certification graduates in the MetroMatemáticas program for mathematics and science teachers from secondary schools, high schools and universities, 2.- It improves the quality of the products of the industry in the region, 3.- It improves the productivity and competitiveness of the industry, 4.- The world market is conquered, 5.- More arrives investment in the region of high technology companies, 6.- There is more and more well-paid work, 7.- Society with a better quality of life.

MetroMatematicas Project in Yaqui Tribe

Preguntas frecuentes

El bootcamp planeta azul es un servicio de streaming que ofrece una colección ilimitada de MasterClasses de alto conocimiento matemático, utilizamos el método científico para enseñarte trigonometría, geometría plana, geometría solida, probabilidad, estadística, geometría analítica, calculo infinitesimal , metrología y el método de solución de problemas desde su causa raíz, de una manera fácil y divertida.

Todas las MasterClasses que quieras ver, sin limites ni comerciales, a un costo muy accesible. Siempre hay algo nuevo que descubrir para que vayas desarrollando gradualmente tu mente analítica, ¡y todas las semanas se agregan nuevas MasterClasses y programas!

Estudia las MasterClasses del bootcamp planeta azul  en tu Smartphone, Tablet, Smart TV, laptop o dispositivo de streaming, todo por una tarifa plana mensual de $100.00 pesos mexicanos. Sin costos adicionales ni contratos.

Todas las MasterClasses que quieras ver, sin limites ni comerciales, a un costo muy accesible. Siempre hay algo nuevo que descubrir para que vayas desarrollando gradualmente tu mente analítica, ¡y todas las semanas se agregan nuevas MasterClasses y programas!

Velo donde quieras, cuando quieras y en todos los dispositivos que quieras. Inicia sesión en tu cuenta del Instituto Civilización Maya 2.0  para ver contenido al instante a través de  desde tu computadora personal o en cualquier dispositivo con conexión a internet que cuente con APP del instituto. Lleva nuestras MasterClasses y programas contigo adonde sea.

Todas las MasterClasses que quieras ver, sin limites ni comerciales, a un costo muy accesible. Siempre hay algo nuevo que descubrir para que vayas desarrollando gradualmente tu mente analítica, ¡y todas las semanas se agregan nuevas MasterClasses y programas!

El Instituto Civilización Maya 2.0 es flexible. Sin contratos molestos ni compromisos. Cancela la membresía online con solo dos clics. No hay cargos por cancelación. Empieza y termina cuando quieras.

El bootcamp planeta azul tiene un amplio catalogo de MasterClasses de alto conocimiento matemático, puedes  estudiar las matemáticas imaginarias de Euclides y las matemáticas medibles de René Descartes, además encontraras una gran colección de programas de la aplicación de las matemáticas en la ciencia, en la industria de avanzada tecnología  y en vida cotidiana del siglo 21 y más. Todo lo que quieras ver y cuando quieras desarrollar tu mente analítica.

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